2023 Wellness Opportunities with Cathy
Wellness Opportunities @ the Lake Clear Lodge & Retreat in the Adirondack “Healing Woods.” 6 Retreats - 4 Fun Weekends - 9 Online...

Everyone Should have a Broth-el in Their Home (especially after Thanksgiving)
Do it in the Kitchen! It’s for your Family’s Health! Even Grandma would approve of this forgotten “science” – and it is as simple and...

Learning to Stay Well, Pt 1 - March 2020
Who is Dr Cowan?? Everyone is putting together their own thoughts and actions during this time to make them feel safe. Mine is reading...

Thermogenic Foods & Spices
Thermogenic Foods & Spices – Ingredients to Winter Wellness, with Chef Cathy Hohmeyer A hot bowl of chili is a common winter food. But do...

A Quick Start Guide to Preserving your Vegetables and provide days of super Nutritious Foods without
This post is meant for last minute learning - when you are in a hurry! Like a hurricane is potentially coming and you are OK with taking...

When did we lose the knowledge on how to prepare our grains for our body?
In the fall there is a National Pancake Day - who knew? ......except for pancake lovers …. maybe .....because there is less pancake...

Radio Interview - Mindful Preparations of Food
Listen In to the Dr Karen Kan radio show! Dr Karen Kan interviews Chef Cathy after the Hohmeyer's cookbook release party! They talk...

Chocolate Needs to be Eaten Naked
Chocolate needs to be eaten naked! I mean, everyone knows it's the prime gift on Valentine's Day right? But what I really mean is -...

Nourishing Broths for all bodies
Guest Post by Lynn Cameron The Old World Kitchen specializes in appetizing Soups and Entrees made with nourishing and easy to digest Bone...

Our Cookbook is Published!
Yup - Ernest and I finally had a new "baby" in our mid fifties!! And we took delivery just a few days before the end of 2016! It took us...