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Welcome to the Nutritional Energetics 101
Class & Resource Page

Begin with the Radio show and the 12 "Virtual Retreat" Interviews to give a background for the Multidimensional Body Energetic materials

Classic Information to Learn Nutritional Energetics  for 2021

Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body Radio Show

My good friend Dr Karen Kan invited me on her radio show . It is SO much fun to work with Dr Karen and she did such a good job at describing my program that you should start here!

We also did mini healings and I activated EVERYONE’s  MULTIDIMENSIONAL INTEGRATIION SYSTEM  for all listening then and in the future as well as gave some healing numbers – even for the Trees and Plants.

                        It actually turned into a great bonus  “class”  and mini healing session!!! Listen in!

Virtual Retreat - Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body

12 Interviews with:

Lloyd Mear - An intro to Balancing by Numbers

Holly Holowell and the Anahata Codes 

BioEnergetics with Tyhson   Parts 1 & 2

Your Holographic Blood   Parts 1,2 & 3

Up your Vibe with Essential Oils   Audio show and Video Class

Traditional Foods 

The Hunger Connection


Frequency Numbers Study Notes

Class One Study Notes

Class One : Frequency Numbers

Class One  Its about 60 minutes and I give alot of "essential" frequency numbers - have a pen and paper

Class Two - Managing Your Energies

We covered some daily exercises to manage your energies

1) Loop the energies to the Earth down your "grounding" cord and up through your feet

2) Loop the energies up to the cosmos, connect it to the Earth energy, back up both sides of your spine and flow over like a fountain for a protective shield. 


And the Human Spirit Access Portal!  We want t be fully IN our bodies to function at 100% and to have a better ability to heal


1)  Heres a "number" to clear your Human Spirit Access Portal    471551111

use it on your water - I get the clearing for all of you should be pretty immediate with only a "once a week" cleaning intention or water

2)  Stretch your Spirit into your body when you wake up

3) Multidimensional Integration System

4) Using a 4- point coning for dowsing/mt or even "business meetings"

Cleansing Your Aura with the Quantum Pump

A Holistic Aura Cleanse Class

1)  We will map the interferences in your field and clear them with your participation right in class

Then learn the

1) Frequency numbers for clearing and maintenance plus 

receive  and use a water activation as well.

This may be a VERY different class for you!!!  

There is a chart of "interferences" in the Auras of the Nutritional Energetics group...  they were cleared for the people in the class - if you watch the replay - I  get that you should be cleared as well, with 15 minutes more ( 1.25 hours to clear your auric field of these interferences  as listed).. 

If you have a question, or if you wonder if you are 100% cleared (if you MT or dowse ask - am I clear 100% per mapped list)  it might take less time for some of you - but for the group as a whole 1.25 hours of pumping will clear- email  

The "pumping does not have to be done all at once if you can't, just bring up the intention list when you start again.

This class is given each quarter for keeping our auras clean and bright!  Each time the mapping is reviewed and changed for the current group that has signed up. If you were not on the live call many of them will apply so you will still get all the intentions and clearings.

Intro to Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body with Barbara Hand Clow

Barbara Hand Clow - Youtube 1


This is a Youtube published in 2013 but taped before that - regardless being past 2012  - it explains about the 9 dimensions per her info.

If you click into the youtube - others will come up (with her) that you may find just as or more interesting in format... 

Either way... the info is the same.

To me it explains how light, sound, geometry and matter come into 3D form - by explaining crop circles for one!

I do like the "science" of things as well as the "vibrational woo woo" - which really should be the same, just a different way to see it all.


She explains the "science of each dimension" ...  and in a sense all the dimensions have a different "science" that relates to it.  So 3D science isnt "wrong"  - it is just different than 2D or 4D etc


If you haven't heard this before ....  or even if you have, listen again now that we know more, and see how it can relate to Nourishing our Multidimensional Body! , and attending to our own "issues" within the 9 dimensions.

at min 16:00:      she explains her definition of "Alchemy"

Powerpoint for Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body 1-3D

The Powerpoint slides for Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body Dimensions 1-3

Nourishing your Multidimensional Body 1-3D

An intro through the Nine Dimensions 

Details to Dimensions 1 , 2 and 3.  The slides in a powerpoint format are below

Powerpoint for Dimensions 4-6

The Powerpoint slides for Dimensions 4-6

Audio Only - Dimensions 4-6D

Audio only  Dimensions 4-6D class     

Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body 4-6D

Intro to the 4th through 6th Dimensions.  I read the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensional Meditations to learn more on how to connect to each dimension as a separate dimension.


Try and begin to connect 1st - 6th consciously - and have fun with it!

You should be able to click on the link below - the download button is bottom right, tiny arrow

Powerpoint for Dimensions 7-9

See outline on audio link

credit :  Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Barbara Hand Clow

Audio Dimensions 7-9

Multidimensional activations at start

1> Fascination accelerator - Promotes Joy and Cleanses energy

2> Heart of the Ocean - Heart Energy Magnifier

3> City of Light - Inner Reflection and Personal Growth

4> The Oracle - Intuition and Psychic Gifts

Review of 1-6d

7-9 D Meditations

!2 body System Balance - Lightwave Color activation

Chakra Balance - Lightwave Color activation

Nutritional Energetics 101 Class 8 Q&A

The slides will be updated with your requests and posted in the next couple of days......  email

YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!   and the Keeper of the 3rd Dimension!!

Bonus Exercise - The Frequency Breath

Easy as breathing in and out

Try this with Happy / Sad  !

Class call and log in info

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Class One Replay - Cathy Hohmeyer
Frequency Breath - Cathy Hohmeyer
Class Two Replay - Daily Energies
First Dimension - Alchemy of 9D - Hand Clow
Third Dimension - Alchemy of 9D - Hand Clow
Dimensions 4-6 Class - Cathy Hohmeyer - audio only

© 2024 Culinary Naturopathy & Nutritional Energetics  - Cathy Hohmeyer

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