Become Self Empowered when it comes to Nourishing your Family
Learn to Nourish your cells and body at all levels
with Cathy Hohmeyer, Chef & Energist
Taking foods to the next level with
Proper Preparations and Nutritional Consciousness
When your body has what it needs .... it knows what to do

Nourishing the Multidimensional Body!
"Diet" is not just about what you eat - it's what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around and what you watch. They are all certain frequencies and energies. It also about knowing what state your body is at and what nourishment it needs via your Ancient BioCodes and voice print frequency reports.

Your fascial system is your "light energy " system!!
Cathy is a certified Block Therapy Instructor..... join in a live class with Cathy or come to a retreat to unlock with the Block! Great for all ages and stages!

A Multidimensional Look at Life Force Energy
Cosmic Nutrition =
Energy INCOME, ..... Energy STRENGTH .........& Energy FLOW
Start looking at the materials below .....
- I will post a class on how we can look at the Krebs/energy cycle via our voice print and how we can test and affect it energetically.
Examples of how to look at your "Energy " in the 9 Dimensions
1D) Numbers for Energy - see the "solar energy" numbers plus
more 1D... Align with the 3 BIG FIELDS - see video below
2D) Probiotics make energy bioavailable - see the garlic example below
3D) A look at the body's Energy Cycle - ATP - Kreb's Cycle !!! we will simplify energetically
4D) What emotions zap your energy or give your energy
5D) Heart (love) increases energy, do you have a "heart wall" to release?
6D) What "geometric forms" or pictures do you have around you that are High Energy?? see the link below for my favorites
7D) Sound - What are some songs that "give" you energy
8D) Light - clearing your energy field - see the link below
9D) Up your Life Force with Qi Gong - Cathy is a Pengu QiGong instructor
See each image below for more info
We will simplify the Krebs Cycle energetically!! and show how to work with it.