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In the BioCodes info, while one with Chronic fatigue, MS and EB type of diagnoses, one usually has the fear and self-devaluation "programs" on loop, however the underlying is muscle movement and strength.

Here are some tones and numbers for muscles ..

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412 Hz infused release negatives

Microbiome Recovery Phase

gently finish the correct Microbiome cycle to break down or replace tissue

Brainstem Hologram Release

Safely release the Hamer foci in the brainstem

BioCodes Muscle Program Summary Sheet

SUmmary - Muscle program

WHole Being Integration

Whole Being

More on subconscious Muscle "thoughts"



The biological conflict linked to the skeletal muscles is a moderate self-devaluation conflict. The specific self-devaluation conflicts are the same as for the bones and joints.


In line with evolutionary reasoning, self-devaluation conflicts are the primary conflict theme associated with cerebral medulla-controlled organs deriving from the new mesoderm.


The conflict related to the movement of the muscles is a motor conflict of “not being able to move” or “feeling stuck”. The conflict can be associated with the entire body (generalized motor conflict) or with a single muscle or muscle group (localized motor conflict).




Facial muscles: losing face (loss of a status, reputation, respect, honor, prestige, dignity; disgrace, humiliation, shame), being exposed, feeling ridiculed, foolish or stupid


Jaw muscles: not being able to bite (see bite conflict)


Neck muscles: not being able or allowed to move or turn the head


Shoulder and back muscles: not being able to get out of the way or step aside


Arm muscles: being forcefully held down (physical abuse, sexual abuse, during a vaccination, in a fight or “play”), not being able to hold or embrace someone or hold someone back (flexor muscle), not being able to push someone away, fight somebody off, or defend oneself (extensor muscle and muscles around the elbows)


Hand muscles: not being able to hold on to someone or hold someone back (a loved one who is leaving or dying); not being able to grab something; any distress associated with the hands (work, hobby, or sports-related)


Leg muscles: not being able to escape, flee, or run away (literally or figuratively, e.g., from a workplace or a relationship), not being able to leap aside, not being able to follow, feeling rooted to the spot (petrified), feeling trapped (literally or figuratively), not being able to keep up, not being able to climb up (e.g., not being promoted), not being able to kick somebody away (extensor muscle), a fear of not being able to walk (wheel chair image).


Motor conflicts can also be experienced with or in behalf of someone else, particularly, when “feeling stuck” concerns a loved one. The belief that conditions such as ALS or MS are hereditary makes a family member more susceptible to conflicts of the same kind (see GNM Article “Understanding Genetic Diseases”).


fetus might endure the conflict of “not being able to escape” when the mother is in danger or because of threatening noises in the immediate environment (jackhammers, chain saws, lawn mowers, grass trimmers), loud kitchen equipment such as blenders held close to the womb, or screaming and yelling (fights between parents, mother yelling at her children). In this case, the baby is born with (partial) paralysis of the legs and motor disabilities, if the conflict is not resolved. The "loud noises" of ultrasound examinations can be highly traumatic for the unborn (see Down syndrome). A “feeling stuck”-conflict could be activated during a difficult delivery or the way the baby is handled immediately after birth. 


Animals suffer motor conflicts as well, for example, during a fight with another animal, when they are “stuck” in a kennel, tied to a chain, locked in a car, trapped in a cage, or held down by the vet during an examination or vaccination (see conflicts triggered through the practice of animal testing).


CONFLICT-ACTIVE PHASE: cell loss (necrosis) of muscle tissue (controlled from the cerebral medulla) and, at the same time, muscle weakness or muscle paralysis (controlled from the motor cortex). With the impact of the conflict in the motor cortex less nerve impulses are transmitted to the corresponding muscle causing a loss of muscle function (compare with sensory paralysis related to the epidermis and the periosteum). The biological purpose of the paralysis originates in the fake-death reflex (prey animals “play dead” when they face a predator or danger). The muscle weakness might be noticed as clumsiness or heaviness, when the legs are affected.


NOTE: The striated muscles belong to the group of organs that respond to the related conflict with functional loss (see also Biological Special Programs of the islet cells of the pancreas (alpha islet cells and beta islet cells), inner ear (cochlea and vestibular organ), olfactory nervesretina and vitreous body of the eyes) or hyperfunction (periosteal nerves and thalamus).

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