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Join my Facebook Groups

Nutritional Energetics Support Group - my original, many resources


Nourishing Your Multidimensional Body Support group for Package A & B


or request an invite here if you dont see it






Super Cell ATP/Energy Production

Cell energy - relates to all of the body field

Navitus Reminder

just a reminder to download this general water energizer if you haven't - it is easy and quick for general increasing the vibe of any liquid ... INCLUDING THE HUMIDITY BUBBLE around you!!

It is free - it will say click to buy but does not require payment.

Chronic Fatigue Resources

Frequency Numbers and Water Charging plus...

Sharing a touching unplanned session with Klara Fischerova

Listen in - this got much broader than just me and my Lodge property.


Don't miss contacting Klara. The link below is to her facebook page and this amazing session...

About the MegaAligner

The Three Fields and the MegaAligner 

Welcome!! LIVE Q&A class Sunday, April 22 7PM EST

Are you ready for change? Let's look at a bit of Life through the lens of the BioCodes!


This is a page with BioCodes description classes plus bonus,  belief sessions,


PLUS bonus chakra water programs


More added 4/21/18

Relax and Release

Water infusion program - get a droppper bottle or glass of water.  Place your intention on the water and play the frequencies.  You just have to place your intention - look at the water for the first 15 seconds.  Let the mp3 finish and have a sip.   I place it in a water dropper bottle .  You can sip as you wish and/or place 15 drops or a teaspon in your favorite beverage.

Relax and Release...

Item 1 Your Lightwave Balancing for Energetics!

 it is infused into a theta healing frequency, there is a second Lightwave Session in the BONUS page

Lightwave Instructional

Your Lightwave Balancing, described, listen in

3 in resources, plus cell strength and 4 personalized

These 7 (plus) recordings are mp3s, or mp4s


UPDATE- 3 have been sent via email and are here on the site... ALSO add Cell Strength AND Mega-aligner

Info Form

Please fill out and return to to provide you with appropriate Water energetics from Source to Cell.

I will give you your top seven - use for 21 days

Please try to journal and keep track of when symptoms flair or not, what is happening in your world.

This info is strictly confidential and only used to personalize your programs and sessions.

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Lightwave Balance to Theta - Cathy Hohmeyer
Relax, Release, Success - Cathy Homeyer

© 2024 Culinary Naturopathy & Nutritional Energetics  - Cathy Hohmeyer


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